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A cryptocurrency, originally named XCoin, that was, as an altcoin, forked from the Bitcoin source code (protocol) in 2014. It is a payments-focused peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. It was renamed to Darkcoin then Dash (with a ticker symbol: DASH). It is a form of money that can be used securely both online and physically with minimal transaction fees. Based on the Bitcoin project, it was meant to provide a more user-friendly and scalable payments system.

Dash (coined as an abbreviation of digital cash) is an open-source platform that claims to offer a user-friendly, fast, and inexpensive coin. The value proposition of dash is its ability to move payments virtually anywhere, everywhere, to anyone for a minimum transfer fees (less than a cent).

It is also known as DASH coin.

FOREX (foreign exchange) revolves around trading the foreign currency exchange in the over-the-counter market. It is where a given currency is converted to ...
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